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Hospice Care: What Are Advance Directives?

Hospice Care: What Are Advance Directives?

There are instances when people are unable to make medical decisions right on the spot. This usually happens when they are receiving end of life care for terminally ill conditions. In many cases, the remaining family members will be making the decisions.

In this situation, their decisions may not mirror yours. Family members may even get into an argument as they fight over what is best for you. Preparing your advance directives is the best, legal way to avoid these problems. As much as possible, you should prepare these legal documents beforehand.

Defining Advance Directives

An advance directive is a legal document where you can specify what kind of palliative care in Texas, or other care options for that matter, you want to receive ahead of time. This helps avoid confusion on the part of your doctor, care team, and family members.

Types of Advance Directives

Different types of advance directives exist. In most cases, they follow state laws. The courts will also determine the legality of a document. The most common documents are:

A lawyer or the patient can draft an advance directive. Talk to your hospice and healthcare team to know what other important details you can put into the document.

If you require hospice services in Aubrey, Texas for you or your loved ones, we can help you. Contact Sovereign Hospice today!

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