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“Hospice” can be a very scary word for many people. Most people think that signing up for hospice means giving up hope and being left to die. With the advances in medical technology, society has a renewed faith in medicine but we also have a hard time accepting death as an unavoidable natural process.

Dying is as natural as being born into this world. Any one born in this world must die at some point. Scare of death could be due to not knowing the unknown, the fear of anticipated pain and suffering, resulting anxiety, depression and other physical symptoms. Hospice is THE option to eliminate all those fears.

The earlier one accepts death as a natural process, the easier it is to focus on quality of life for the remainder of their life. We find people at varying stages of acceptance. The job of hospice team is to hold hand and walk through this journey and helping the patient get to the best place possible in the spectrum.

A study published by the New England Journal of Medicine shows that for the same terminal diagnosis, patients who opted and received hospice care lived longer by 25% – 40% when compared to patients who did not receive hospice care at all.

Data also show that patients who received hospice care between 6 – 9 months benefited the most, while patients who waited longer and received less than 6 months of hospice care did not get to enjoy benefits to the fullest. This could be attributed to strong bonds that our clinicians build with our patients thereby enhancing patient and family outcomes.

Hospice is an unlimited benefit covered by all insurances. You can benefit from the care early on and it provides adequate time for the hospice team to get to know the patient and family and receive the support that your deserve.

Often care that a person needs during the last year of their life can be quite overwhelming for the family. You can plan ahead and get the help you need now. Call us today at 214-718-9353 for an in person consultation and learn more about how Sovereign Hospice and Palliative Care services can benefit you.